Perth, Friday Oct 4, 9.00am – 4.30pm
Bendat Community Centre, Wembley
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In this whole-day workshop, Dr Sarah Buckley presents her ground-breaking material from her 2015 report, Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing.
Learn about four important hormone systems active in labour and birth — oxytocin, beta-endorphins, adrenaline/noradrenaline and prolactin– and how they act to enhance ease, pleasure and safety for mother and baby.
Investigate the possible impacts of common maternity-care interventions on these delicate hormonal systems, including the effects of induction, caesareans and epidurals, and the possible consequences for mothers and babies. Discover and discuss how to optimise hormonal physiology and fill the “hormonal gaps,” when interventions are required.
Enjoy the magic of the hour after birth, and discover how Mother Nature’s superb design continues after birth, optimising life-long health and wellbeing for mother and baby by optimising breastfeeding and attachment, including information about the process and benefits of the newborn placental transfusion.
Put this information into practice for yourself and your clients!
Sarah will be presenting her engaging PowerPoint material along with small-group activities and time for questions, discussion, and sharing. All of her material is based on the best available scientific evidence, as presented in Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing Also see her blogs on epidurals, synthetic oxytocin and caesareans .
This workshop will be valuable for midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, medical doctors, and other health care professionals, and will also be suitable for interested parents and parents-to-be. See a recent reviews of this workshop in the magazine here.
When: Registration from 08.30 am. Workshop starts at 9.00 am. Lunch included.
Where: Bendat Community Centre, 36 Dodd St, Wembley, Perth, WA 6014
See FAQs below for details.
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“This report, prepared by Dr. Sarah Buckley in collaboration with Childbirth Connection Programs at the National Partnership for Women and Families, will be retrospectively evaluated as one of the most revolutionary and influential publications on maternity and newborn care ever written…” From the Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing Foreword
“Sarah Buckley is precious, because she is bilingual. She can speak the language of a mother who gave birth to her four children at home. She can also speak like a medical doctor. By intermingling the language of the heart and the scientific language she is driving the history of childbirth towards a radical and inspiring new direction.”
Michel Odent, French surgeon, author, natural birth pioneer, UK
“Your work has transformed the way I work with parents and health care professionals. I’ve become much more assertive in helping women create the pleasurable birth they want and deserve.
Your research validates what many health providers have been feeling but not able to formulate in scientific terms. The message is clear: women have what it takes to give birth with safety, ease and pleasure.”
Julie Bonapace, Physiotherapist and Founder, The Bonapace Childbirth Training Program
BIO: Sarah is a qualified GP , mother of four homeborn children ages 19 to 28, and currently fully occupied as a writer on pregnancy, birth and parenting and PhD candidate at the University of Queensland.
Sarah’s articles have been published world-wide, including in Mothering magazine (US), MIDIRS Midwifery Digest (UK), and The Natural Parent (NZ) and she is author of the bestselling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices.
Sarah’s work critiques current practices in pregnancy, birth and parenting from the widest possible perspectives, including scientific, evolutionary, psychological and personal.
Sarah has a special interest in the hormones of labor and birth, and her 2002 article “Ecstatic Birth: Nature’s Hormonal Blueprint for Labor”, based on scientific evidence for the superb design of our female bodies in labour and birth, is one of the most widely-read articles on birth worldwide.
Sarah’s report, Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing with Childbirth Connection and the National Partnership for Women and Families was published in the US in January 2015.
Sarah encourages us all to be well informed, to listen to our hearts and instincts, and to take our rightful place as the real experts in our bodies, our babies and our families. She lives with her family in Brisbane, Australia. To find out more, visit
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Is this suitable for parents and parents-to-be?
While this workshop is mainly aimed at health-care providers, including doulas and other birth workers, interested parents are also welcome. The information is presented so that it is understandable for everyone, including those without a health or science background. You will learn about the amazing design of your body and the hormones that you produce naturally in pregnancy, birth and mothering, and also general ways to optimise this “superb design.” Please note that we cannot offer medical opinions or personal advice at any time in the workshop..
Will food be provided?
We will be providing lunch, as well as tea, coffee and snacks for morning and afternoon teas. We can cater for special dietary requirements to limited degree. Please email Vicki for more information.
Will Sarah be selling her books and other products?
Yes, we will have copies of Gentle Birth. Gentle Mothering, which Sarah can personally sign for you. See here for more information about her products.
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
There are plenty of car parking spaces at this venue.
Is my registration/ticket transferable?
Yes, fully transferable. Please email to let us know the name of the new attendee.
What is the refund policy?
We understand that life –and especially births– are not predictable. Our refund and cancellation policy is especially designed for busy midwives!
Cancel before Sept 13: Full refunds are available.
Cancel after Sept 13 and before Sept 26: please contact us for a refund, minus $20 processing fee. (Tickets also fully transferable, with no fee, if we are notified, see below.)
Cancel after midnight Sept 26: please contact us. Your ticket is also fully transferable at any time, even the day before, as below.
The name on the registration/ticket doesn’t match the attendee. Is that okay?
You can transfer your ticket to another person at any stage up to the beginning of the workshop, as long as you email and let us know. You can also book for other people under your name without a problem. However, please email and let us know all the names of people who want CPD points so we can issue correct certificates.
Can I buy a student ticket?
We have discounted student tickets available for students enrolled in tertiary courses. Contact us if you are unsure if this applies to you. Students will also receive a certificate of attendance.
Do you have midwifery CPD points?
We have CPD points (previously called MidPlus points) through the Australian College of Midwives, with 5.5 points allocated. We are adding an additional $10 for the cost and time involved with applying for and administering this.
Please book the appropriate ticket so we can have your paperwork prepared. You will need to fill in an evaluation form to get your certificate.
Note that we will only be issuing attendance certificates if you choose the CPD ticket or student tickets.
When do ticket sales finish?
Because of catering, we need final numbers by September 26. Last-minute tickets may be available, please email us
Can I bring my baby?
We love babies! Babies in arms are welcome, meaning you can occupy a seat and have your baby in your lap for the day. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate mobile babies. If you are planning to bring your baby, please let us know. Also please note:
**Because of space restrictions, you may not be able to bring a stroller, pram or car seat into the room.
** Please be aware that you will need to take your baby out of the room if they are noisy or distracting, (sorry, but this may even apply to happy noises), and I may ask you to do this if any participants, including myself, are experiencing distraction. This may mean that you miss substantial parts of the day that I cannot catch you up with.
If you book a ticket and bring your baby, we presume that you are aware of all of these guidelines.
Any more questions? Feel free to email us