Please read these FAQs before you contact Sarah
Technical or Website Problem?
If you have a technical or other problem with our website, webshop or www.gentlenaturalbirth.com our apologies. Please email info [at] sarahbuckley.com and we will get back to you ASAP, usually within 24 hours, to resolve your problem.
I’ve ordered your ebook/signed up for a free ebook but haven’t received it
If you have purchased the “Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering” 2005 ebook ($9/$9.90) and not received it, or signed up for the free ebook “Ecstatic Birth” or “Pain in Labour” and not received it, please look in your spam folder for an email “Thank you for your purchase” or “Download link for Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering“ which has a download link. If you can’t find it, please email info [at] sarahbuckley.com for the link.
If you have a specific health, childbirth or parenting question
Unfortunately, Sarah is unable to address individual questions. You can research your question using the resources on this page
If you want information about local (Brisbane) resources or practitioners…
Please note that Sarah is not practicing as a GP at present. The Homebirth Queensland meetings in Brisbane and the Gold Coast are wonderful opportunities to meet natural-minded families and find local resources. www.homebirth.org.au There are also several midwifery practices in Brisbane that offer home and hospital birth services.
If you have a question about Sarah’s writing, or reproducing her writing
Please note that reproducing material published in Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering (2009) requires permission from US publisher Penguin Random House and there may be a fee. You can apply to the publisher here. For reprinting or excerpts that will only be published in Australia, email info [at] sarahbuckley.com. You can generally quote up to 1-200 words without specific permission.
If you would like to purchase Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering wholesale
Please enquire with the publisher in the US or Australia. If you require smaller numbers than their minimum order, Sarah can supply 6 or more copies at a reduced price in Australia only. Email us info [at] sarahbuckley.com
If you are requesting a book or DVD donation for raffles or fundraising
Sarah is delighted to support you in Australia but, because of high postage costs, we cannot ship these items outside Australia. Email us Info [at] sarahbuckley.com
If you have a question about speaking engagements
Sarah would be delighted to email with you. Please note that she is generally booked up at least 12 months in advance for speaking outside Australia. You can email her to request her fees and topics. info [at] sarahbuckley.com
If you have a media request
Sarah can usually respond within 24 hours, if she is in the country and outside weekends and public holidays. Info [at] sarahbuckley.com
If you have used these suggestions above and your issue is not addressed
Please email info [at] sarahbuckley.com
Please note that your email may be answered by an assistant on Sarah’s behalf.
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